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发布时间:2021年12月09日 08:16 作者: 点击:[]


在“Biotechnology for Biofuels”(SCI 1区TOP,IF=6.040)上发表题为“Ectopic overexpression of a type-II DGAT (CeDGAT2-2) derived from oil-rich tuber of Cyperus esculentus enhances accumulation of oil and oleic acid in tobacco leaves”的研究论文。乐动2020级博士高宇为第一作者,乐动李润植教授为通讯作者。该论文以块茎富油作物油莎豆为试材,鉴定解析了油莎豆DGAT基因的功能。在普通烟草中异源过表达CeDGAT2-2提高了油酸生物富集型的油脂含量,为通过基因工程手段使工程化烟草大量富集优质油脂奠定了基础(图1)。



1 油莎豆CeDGAT2-2功能鉴定及代谢工程潜力评估

在“Plant Science”(SCI 2区,IF=4.729)上发表题为“Functional characterization of an novel acyl-CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 3-3 (CsDGAT3-3) gene from Camelina sativa”的研究论文。乐动2020级博士高慧玲为第一作者,乐动李润植教授为通讯作者。该论文以特色经济油料作物亚麻荠为对象,解析了可溶性蛋白CsDGAT3的生物学功能。在亚麻荠中鉴定获得的3个DGAT3基因有不同的表达模式,其中CsDGAT3-3有较高的DGAT酶活性且对C20:1有底物偏好性。研究结果表明CsDGAT3-3可用于基因工程,提高油脂和PUFA含量(图2)。

2 亚麻荠CeDGAT3功能鉴定及代谢工程潜力评估

在“Scientia Horticulturae”(SCI 2TOPIF=3.463)上发表题为“Selection of the optimal reference genes for transcript expression analysis of lipid biosynthesis-related genes in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)”和“Comprehensive mining of storage oil related genes in developing seed of Abelmoschus esculentus”的两篇研究论文。乐动2015级博士张鲜艳为第一作者,乐动李润植教授为通讯作者。该论文以特种籽油秋葵为试材,筛选出最优的内参基因,为秋葵油脂合成相关基因及其他基因的功能研究提供了优化的内参基因及相关信息;解析了秋葵种子总油脂积累模式和脂肪酸成分动态变化模式。基于基因差异表达数据和发育种子油脂积累的动态特征,构建了秋葵种子油脂生物合成途径框架图。这为全面解析秋葵种子油脂生物合成及调控分子机制和油脂代谢工程靶标基因的确定及修饰策略的建立奠定了基础(图3)。

3 秋葵种子油脂积累模式、脂肪酸成分动态变化及生物合成与调控分子机制

在“Frontiers in Plant Science”(SCI 2TOPIF=4.215)发表题为“Characterization of a Haematococcus pluvialis diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 and its potential in unsaturated fatty acid rich triacylglycerol production”和“BMC Plant Biology”(SCI 2区,IF=4.215)发表题为“Characterization of type-2 diacylglycerol acyltransferases in Haematococcus lacustris reveals their functions and engineering potential in triacylglycerol biosynthesis”的2篇研究论文。乐动崔红利副教授为第一作者,乐动李润植教授为通讯作者。论文以特色植物资源雨生红球藻为对象,对DGAT型家族成员进行了生物学功能研究。同时评价了在拟南芥和莱茵衣藻异源过表达HpDGATHpDGAT1HpDGAT2D)增强油脂含量的代谢工程潜力(图4和图5)。

4 雨生红球藻HpDGAT1功能鉴定及代谢工程潜力评估

5 雨生红球藻Hpdgat2D的功能鉴定及代谢工程潜力评估


  1. Gao Y, Sun Y, Gao H, Chen Y, Wang X, Xue J, Jia X, Li R* (2021). Ectopic overexpression of a type-II DGAT (CeDGAT2-2) derived from oil-rich tuber of Cyperus esculentus enhances accumulation of oil and oleic acid in tobacco leaves. Biotechnol Biofuels. 14(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s13068-021-01928-8.

  2. Gao H, Gao Y, Zhang F, Liu B, Ji C, Xue J, Yuan L, Li R* (2021). Functional characterization of an novel acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 3-3 (CsDGAT3-3) gene from Camelina sativa. Plant Sci. 303:110752. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110752.

  3. Zhang X, Cui H, Ji X, Xue J, Jia X, Li R* (2021). Selection of the optimal reference genes for transcript expression analysis of lipid biosynthesis-related genes in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). Scientia Horticulturae. 282:110044. Doi:org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110044

  4. Zhang X, Mu X, Cui H, Sun Y, Xue J, Jia X, Li R* (2021). Comprehensive mining of storage oil related genes in developing seed of Abelmoschus esculentus. Scientia Horticulturae. 291:110612. Doi:org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110612

  5. Cui H, Xu W, Zhu X, Zhao C, Cui YL, Ji C, Zhang C, Xue J, Qin S, Jia XY, Li R* (2021). Characterization of a Haematococcus pluvialis diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 and its potential in unsaturated fatty acid rich triacylglycerol production. Front Plant Sci. Doi:org/10.3389/fpls.2021.771300

  6. Cui H, Zhao C, Xu W, Zhang H, Hang W, Zhu X, Ji C, Xue J, Zhang C, Li R* (2021). Characterization of type-2 diacylglycerol acyltransferases in Haematococcus lacustris reveals their functions and engineering potential in triacylglycerol biosynthesis. BMC Plant Biol. 21(1):20. doi:10.1186/s12870-020-02794-6.

